01.09.2020 Workshop: Machine Learning for Real-World Applications

Mike Brandt and Jonas Wenke from 33A and Dr. Jorge Davila-Chacon and Olaf Erichsen from Heldenkombinat Technologies GmbH.

Frequently, companies are presented with flashing Machine Learning (ML) demos that only seem to be ready for production but miscalculate the requirements to have an ML system with a long and prosperous life. The aim of an ML prototype is to prove that an algorithm can do a better (cheaper or faster) job than alternative solutions. However, moving ML prototypes into production readiness needs different skill sets, architectures, and data integration strategies since, in real-world applications, scalability, performance, and operational cost-efficiency are key business-value drivers that will not come by prototype design.

The goal of our workshops is to show the differences between ML prototypes and ML real-world applications on a case-by-case basis.

In order to have a better grounding, Mike and Jonas from the AI design firm 33A will start with their design canvas to show how they support companies in their transformation towards AI.

Heldenkombinat Technologies’ AI experts will follow up in the second half of this workshop and dive deeper into the ideas generated by the participants by evaluating their technical feasibility and organizational requirements.



Please send an e-mail to info@aric-hamburg.de if you want to join the workshop.

The workshop is free of charge and will take place on
01.09.2020 from 16:00 – 19:00 online. After registration, we will send you an email with a link to join the workshop.

The workshop will be held in English.

ARIC e.V. 
Van-der-Smissen-Strasse 9, 22767 Hamburg.