The development of solutions with artificial intelligence is funded in many programs of the city of Hamburg, the federal government and the EU – be it in open-topic or industry-specific programs, for startups, SMEs or large companies and their research partners. Together with the funding advisors of the Hamburg Investment and Development Bank (IFB), we will give you an overview of how and which programmes you can use and show you examples of successful companies in a two-part series of events.
This first information session is about state and federal funding .
Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos, aber auf 10 Teilnehmer beschränkt und findet am 03.12.2020 von 11.30-13.00 Uhr bei der IFB Hamburg, Besenbinderhof 31, Hamburg statt.
Sollte die Corona-Zahlen eine Vor-Ort Veranstaltung nicht zulassen, wird die Veranstaltung als Webinar online stattfinden.
You can register at the following e-mail address .
The second workshop will be about European Union funding with a special focus on the European Innovation Council EIC. The event is scheduled for 14 January 2021. More information will be available on our website soon.
Overview of funding and practical examples
questions and answers