We are pleased to announce that after the cooperation with the Czech Republic, our first official act will be the international renowned legal AI and Law World Congress JURIX 2020, which has been taking place since 1988. 33rd International Conference on Legal Knowledge and Information Systems https://jurix2020.law.muni.cz/ a partnership sponsorship, which this year is hosted by the Institute of Law and Technology (Faculty of Law, Masaryk University, Brno) and the Knowledge-Based Software Systems Group (Faculty of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Czech Technical University, Prague) and organized by the December 9-11, 2020 will be heldonline.
For more than 30 years, the JURIX Conference, under the auspices of the JURIX Foundation for Legal Knowledge Systems, has provided an international forum for research at the intersection of law, artificial intelligence, and information systems http://jurix.nl/.
The call for papers is open and papers can be submitted until September.
Contributions should be related to the theory or interdisciplinary basis for the use of artificial intelligence techniques or to the technological advancement of artificial intelligence and information systems in the legal and forensic fields. Furthermore, papers and applications on the implementation of AI and legal technology in real world systems can be submitted.
Abstract submission:. 6 September 2020 (recommended)
Paper (short and long) submission: 13 September 2020
Demo submission: 13 September 2020
Workshop and tutorial proposal submission: 15 September 2020
Notification of acceptance of regular papers: 12 October 2020
Camera ready deadline: 23 October 2020
Workshops and tutorials: 9 December 2020
Doctoral Consortium: 9 December 2020
Main conference: 10 and 11 December 2020
The conference proceedings are published by IOS Press in their Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications (FAIA) series. Papers should be submitted via the Easychair Conference Management System in PDF format.
For more than 30 years, the JURIX Conference, under the auspices of the JURIX Foundation for Legal Knowledge Systems, has provided an annual international forum for research at the intersection of law, artificial intelligence, and information systems.
The JURIX conference attracts a wide range of participants from government, academia and business. It is accompanied by workshops on topics such as eGovernment, legal ontologies, legal XML, alternative dispute resolution (ADR), argumentation, deontic logics, etc. Links to some of the previous JURIX conferences:
- Jurix 2020 – Brno/Prague (online)
https://jurix2020.law.muni.cz/ - Jurix 2019 – Madrid
https://jurix2019.oeg-upm.net/ - Jurix 2018 – Groningen
http://jurix2018.ai.rug.nl/ - Jurix 2017 – Luxembourg
https://jurix2017.gforge.uni.lu/ - Jurix 2016 – Nice
http://jurix2016.unice.fr/ - Jurix 2015 – Braga
http://jurix2015.di.uminho.pt/ - Jurix 2014 – Kraków
http://conference.jurix.nl/2014/ - Jurix 2013 – Bologna
http://conference.jurix.nl/2013 - Jurix 2012 – Amsterdam
http://conference.jurix.nl/2012 - Jurix 2011 – Vienna
http://www.univie.ac.at/RI/JURIX2011/ - Jurix 2010 – Liverpool
http://conference.jurix.nl/2010 - Jurix 2009 – Rotterdam
http://www.frg.eur.nl/arw/sectie_informatica_recht/jurix2009/ - Jurix 2008 – Florence
http://www.ittig.cnr.it/Jurix08/index.php - Jurix 2007 – Leiden
http://www.law.leiden.edu/organisation/metajuridica/elaw/research/jurix-2007.html - Jurix 2006 -Paris
http://www.jurix.nl/?p=32(conference website no longer available) - Jurix 2005 – Brussels
http://www.starlab.vub.ac.be/events/JURIX05/ - Jurix 2004 – Berlin
(pictures) - Jurix 2003 – Utrecht
http://www.cs.uu.nl/jurix03/ - Jurix 2002 – London
- Jurix 2001 – Amsterdam