October 29, 2020 Event: Spotlight: Drivers of AI in Logistics

1st KI-Meeting of the Lighthouse Region North of the Federal Association KI

Expectations for artificial intelligence and data science are high – higher profits, optimized processes, better market position. But only a few companies in the German logistics sector are actually applying AI.

Can AI fail to live up to expectations? Or are there other factors slowing down the implementation of AI in logistics?

At the kick-off meeting of the Lighthouse Region North, we bring together companies and AI associations to discuss use cases and challenges of AI in logistics. ARIC CEO Alois Krtil will moderate the panel discussion.

Enclosed is the program:

Thu, 29 October 2020

16:30 – 18:30 CET

You can register at the following link: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/1-ki-treffen-der-leuchtturmregion-nord-tickets-121014919883