Free e-learning offers in the field of data science and artificial intelligence

Are you looking for suitable learning opportunities in the field of artificial intelligence to refresh your technical knowledge and get ready for digitization?

We already reported to you in March about the “Elements of AI” e-learning course. Since then, our research associate Dalia has scanned the courses online and evaluated the platform providers.

These advanced training courses are just a click away:

Now could be the ideal time to take an online course from Ivy League schools like Brown, Yale, Harvard, Cornell, Princeton or Columbia for free. All of the courses we have listed are offered free of charge. A certificate can also be purchased for successfully completing the course.

Despite the distance, we can motivate each other to stay on the ball:

Virtual learning groups can be formed with simple digital tools. Take the opportunity not just to learn alone, but to take a look at the courses together with teammates, friends or family members.

Selection criteria for a successful start

Decisive for the selection of a course or several courses should be the question of the content direction and the level of difficulty. Many e-learning platforms offer a short summary of the course content for a better overview. With the use of an online database such as the search can also be simplified using a filter function. In addition, it doesn’t hurt to deal more fundamentally with the question of interest and start with the courses / topics that spark your curiosity.

We have summarized the following recommended e-learning platforms for you:

OPEN HPI and KI campus

OpenHPI is a learning platform provided by the Hasso Plattner Institute that has received multiple awards and, among other things, has won the International E-Learning Award 2018 in two categories.

OpenHPI offers didactically prepared multimedia course materials in the field of rapidly developing information technologies.

The special thing about Open HPI is the close support during course participation through the provision of learning videos, interactive self-tests, tutorials, practical exercises, homework and the realization of a virtual learning community through lively discussion forums and collaborative interaction options (MOOCS-Massive Open Online Courses)

Both ongoing courses and archived courses are offered. Due to the diverse course modalities, it makes sense that you get an overview of the breadth of the offer and the course dynamics.

Here is the course offer:

AI campus

The KI-Campus is a learning platform for artificial intelligence specializing in Germany, which is currently being implemented by the Stifterverband, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), the Hassno Plattner Institute (HPI), NEOCOSMO and the mmb Institute.

The pilot project of the KI-Campus is currently still in its infancy and has been funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) since October 2019.

An online symposium on AI in higher education took place on April 20th:

Elements of AI

Elements of AI is a lighthouse project by the University of Helsinki and Reaktor to advance the teaching of the basics of AI to the general public. The online course is suitable for anyone who wants to learn what artificial intelligence is, what can be made possible with it and how it affects our everyday life. The course has been offered in Germany since the beginning of 2019 and has also recently been available in German. So far, 400,000 participants from 170 countries have registered for the course.

This way to the learning platform:


Futurelearn is a UK knowledge exchange platform that curates its courses through the delivery of learning content by educational providers such as universities, institutions, companies and government agencies. Education providers include 80 universities, six centers of excellence at universities, 48 organizations and 30 associated partners.

The partners create the learning content, while Futurelearn operates the platform, manages the content and puts it online. Introductory courses are offered in aviation, computer science, medicine, biology, social sciences / humanities, art, mathematics, statistics, economics and finance.

Particularly noteworthy is the close interlinking of insights into the theoretical and practical working methods as well as the provision of industry-specific and multidisciplinary content.

56 online courses are currently offered under the heading IT & Computer Science. The courses last between 2-5 weeks, whereby a learning time of 2-5 hours / week is usually recommended.

Click here for the range of courses (filtered: IT & Computer Science):


Coursera is an American company founded in 2012 by two computer science professors (Daphne Koller, Andrew Ng – Stanford University) specializing in the provision of MOOCS. Since then, Coursera has been measured by the number of learners (> 40 million) the largest e-learning service provider worldwide and has more than 150 partner universities.

Currently up to 545 courses with the keyword “Artificial Intelligence” can be found on Coursera. Here, too, the course modalities sometimes differ greatly, which is why we refer to the original short summaries of the corresponding courses. You can find courses on Artificial Intelligence here.


EdX is a non-profit e-learning organization that also started in 2012 and was founded by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Here, too, there are over 2500 high-quality online learning formats from 140 participating institutions. There are currently around 130 courses in the field of artificial intelligence.

Here is the link to the filtered search.


On the private commercial e-learning platform Udacity, there are up to 26 free courses on artificial intelligence. You can find this by entering the term “Artificial Intelligence” in the search field and simply selecting the free courses using the filter function.

Dalia looked at 94 specific course offers and wrote a short summary of each and clustered the courses according to topic and industry. If you are also interested in this detailed list, you can send us an email at write and subscribe to our newsletter Sign in.