Jan Ruhnke, (AI project manager ARIC), Dr. Achim Tappe, (Fehrmann Group)
The topic of AI is finding its way into almost all business areas. In addition to digitization, many companies deal with use cases. It is therefore natural to set up your own data sciences departments or to work with teams of experts.
But why do so many projects fail and why do experts quit quickly?
This workshop gives an insight into how today’s data scientists and computer scientists work. The differences to the classic IT department are often greater than expected. The process models in computer science are often difficult to reconcile with traditional business.
In this workshop we want to help you to avoid the culture shock and to discuss with you how you can create a long-term working environment for AI experts.
The two-hour workshop consists of a lecture and a work part in which we work with you to develop individual solutions. Cooperation is therefore desirable.
The ARIC workshop is free and takes place on June 15, 2021 online e around 16.00 Clock instead. You can register at info@aric-hamburg.de . After receiving the registrations, we will send the corresponding link for the workshop, via which you can easily join.
For more free ARIC workshops, webinars and events, visit www.aric-hamburg.de/aric-news/ . You can also subscribe to our ARIC newsletter on our website at Newsletter Sign in.